A beautiful young vixen Fox taken at the British Wild Life Center.

A beautiful young Scottish Wildcat taken at the British Wild Life Center.

A beautiful Otter taken at the British Wild Life Center.

A beautiful Polecat taken at the British Wild Life Center.

A beautiful Badger taken at the British Wild Life Center.

How cute is this little Meerkat?

I took this close up shot of the Snow Monkey in the Highland Zoo, in Scotland.

I took this candid shot of the Snow Monkey in the Highland Zoo, in Scotland.

What a poser this stunning Great Gray Owl was.

A friendly Robin

A beautiful Tawny Owl come out for a photo session.

This beautiful Snowy Owl was kind enough to pose for me. I decided to get in close to show the detail in her eyes.

I can't remember the breed of this beautiful posing hawk but again I decided to get in close but this time to show her rage.

I wanted to get; Up close and personal to this wonderful hawk to show its powerful beak and stunning eyes.

I took this stunning shot of the Snowy Owl in the Highlands Zoo in Scotland.